For me, today is a day of deep emotions. Twenty years of service in the medical field is a significant milestone. Many of you probably don't know this, but I've been employed full-time by Humana for the past five years. It has been my great fortune to work for Humana, and I am sad to see my time here come to an end.
I had no credentials to bring to Humana (no degree, no resume, no business). I was a single mother without a job who was having a hard time making ends meet. There, God would use me in ways I could never have imagined. My marriage was repaired, I earned a Bachelor's degree, Master's degree, and started work on my Doctorate. In addition to being a certified divorce coach and writing four books and beginning a fifth while at Humana, I founded the nonprofit Divorce Recovery Advocates for Women and the for-profit Inspired Grace Media Productions. This year, I started taking ladies on retreats across the country and incorporating my courses for formerly married women who had since divorced, separated, or remarried. I was also recently appointed as the pastor of my church's Celebrate Recovery program, which is a ministry near and dear to my heart. This occurred during my tenure at Humana.
The most impressive part is that I did all this in just five years while employed by Humana. The past five years have been the most formative of my life. Now that I think about it, I'm like, "Dang gurlllll you did all that?" Don't get me wrong, it was God's grace, not my own, that allowed me to succeed, but my loved ones and Humana were invaluable to me along the way. I worked hard to learn as much as I could while I was there, and I also drew on my parents' experience and my family's encouragement to set myself up for future success as an entrepreneur.
So, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you and bid farewell to Humana.
As you can imagine, juggling three full-time careers (two of which I founded), two further degrees, the writing and publication of two books, the pursuit of several professional certifications, extensive domestic and international travel, frequent public speaking engagements, and the effort to relaunch a ministry are all quite a lot. I've seen personally what it does to you, and it's not good for your health at all, so please don't do it.
If only others understood what it really costs.
The greatest casualties have been my family and my health. So, I'd like to express my regret for both. There was a cost to these victories. That was then, this is now; I turn 40 in April, and I'm embarking on a brand-new adventure, one in which I won't have to give up time with my loved ones or my health.
So, where does Charis go from here?
By the time I am 40, I hope to have improved my health, started working toward my PhD, begun teaching others, begun developing and rebranding my enterprises, and been serving God through the Celebrate Recovery ministry. Upon reflection, I realize that I have not fully committed to my passions (both of my businesses). I can't wait until I have the time to devote to both fields to find out what happens.
It's not that I'm leaving Humana that makes me anxious, but rather the fact that I have no idea what God has in store for me. It was a tough choice (because I enjoy being in charge), but I've decided to give God complete control of my life. I'm excited to start serving God wholeheartedly. Onstage with a microphone in my hand, I used to tell the audience, but now I show them.
Therefore, beginning in the month of April, I will be taking a hiatus from all of my endeavors. I've been going nonstop for the past 5 years, and it's time for me to take a rest. This month, I hope to take some time off from giving speeches in order to focus on my health and my passion of traveling. In addition, I need to focus as I enter a new phase of my life. I plan to travel the world and take in all of the amazing sights that God has made. Please keep me in your prayers; I have no idea where I'm heading (but that's half the fun).